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Twitter Book Reviewers by GalleyCat

This is a rerun from GalleyCat reviews, on of my favorite Twitterers to follow… if you’re interested, either as Author or Reader, take a gander below and read their take on The Most Popular Book Reviewers on Twitter

By Jason Boog on Feb 03, 2010 04:23 PM

flwbooks100x100.pngWhat are your favorite book review sites on Twitter? We are putting the finishing touches on our growing book review directory for GalleyCat Reviews, and we realized that we can’t exclude Twitter.

The microblogging site has become a hub for many book reviewers and readers. Last year, we interviewed Eric Mueller, the co-founder of the Twitter book review, Flashlight Worthy Book Recommendations. They’ve since grown to include more than 80,000 followers.

In addition, we’ve already uncovered a few hashtags for literary criticism, including: #bookreviews, #reviews #books, and #bookchat. Even better, TweepSearch lists 575 book reviewers on Twitter.

Where do you go for book reviews on Twitter? Add your favorite Twitter reviewers in the comments section, we’ll add them to our growing collection of literary criticism on Twitter. After the jump, check out the ten most popular self-identified book reviewers on Twitter, ranked by number of followers.

Here are the book reviewers with the most followers, according to TweepSearch.

1. Tamoor: “Astrology, Teaching Metaphysics since 1972, EFT, Award Winning Fantasy Author, dragons, fairies, wizards, book reviews, gold panning, Labradoodles”

2. Janette Fuller: “My Thank-You Project, Social Media, Blogger, Book Reviewer, Librarian, Children’s Literature Enthusiast, eBay, Card Making”

3. Horror News Net: HORRORNEWS.NET Official Site FREE Horror Horror news Horror reviews DVD reviews Book reviews”

4. Library Journal: “Library views, news, and book reviews from LJ staffers.”

5. Susanna K. Hutcheson: “Copywriter, journalist, entrepreneur, fitness fanatic, photographer, collector of vintage ads, fountain pens, book reviewer and a hell of a lot of fun.”

6. Organic Wales: “The Organic Wales directory covers organic Welsh food, restaurants, homes, gardening, and holidays. Features include recipes and book reviews.”

7. Wayne Hurlbert: “Blogger, social media, SEO consultant, speaker, business book reviewer, Blog Business Success host on BlogTalkRadio”

8. Erin–Books in 140: “Book reviews. In 140 characters. Also: coffee addict, tv addict, pop culture addict, giant.”

9. Katlogictalk: Award winning Blogger of Kat Logic, published author, book reviewer, business owner.

10. Maria Schneider: “Freelance writer, editor, blogger, forum hostess, book reviewer, former editor of a writing magazine you’ve probably heard of. Wants to eradicate the semicolon.”

New opportunity

Many of you might know me as wiremamma .

It’s my Twitter handle. I chat about books, publishing, social media and networking, and use it to promote my novels.

While describing this to my father over the weekend, he reminded me of my grandfather, a ham radio operator.

Granddaddy John was W7LBW. They had a 20 foot tall antenna over their house, that looked more like a mini death star under construction. He made friends all over the world. Some of my favorite memories are sitting in his office, mike at the ready, watching the voice modulation as we called out into the ether.

Though granddad has gone on to his reward, perhaps I inherited his desire to stay in touch with the world at large. I know that ne would have been enthralled with an entire world at your fingertips…and wonder, what will we see when my daughters have children of their own.

Tips on Marketing – via Follow The Reader

Today, I defer to the wisdom of Kat Meyer, and her three most recent blog posts from “Follow the Reader.”
This collection of researched articles by an industry leader is just the thing for publishing professionals and authors alike to review and consider the following questions:

  • Who is your audience?
  • What tools do you have at your disposal to reach them?
  • How can you quantify your time online with actual sales?

Oftentimes with small presses, authors are only given a tiny push toward personal marketing and “what to do next.” By researching the following articles, you can find your footing to further stabilize your online platform, and make your way into identifying your audience, your readers, and ultimately increasing your revenue.

Thanks again to @ Kat Meyer for her ongoing quest to aid authors and publishers in this uncharted territory. (follow her on Twitter if you don’t already. You’ll be amazed what you can learn.)

Part One:

What do marketers think about when they think about marketing? I asked some really talented book marketing type people, each of whom approaches the marketing of books from a slightly different perspective: Jeff VanderMeer, novelist and author of BookLife: Strategies and Survival Tips for 21st Century Writers; Denise Berthiaume and Tom Thompson of Verso Digital Advertising; and Ashleigh Gardner, Manager of Digital Development at The Dundurn Group. … Read On…

Part Two:

In this second of three posts all about book marketing, publicity and advertising, Denise Berthiaume and Tom Thompson of Verso Digital Advertising were kind enough to offer some really great advice to authors and publishing professionals alike on how to make the most of the many advertising and marketing options available — and yes, they even have advice for authors with no budget!

[Verso recently published an incredibly insightful survey of book-buying behavior which is a must-read for anyone with an interest in the book industry. Check it out here. And for more info about Verso, check out Charlotte Abbott’s interview with Tom and Denise from late last year.]

Read On…

Part 3:

Ashleigh Gardner of The Dundurn Group

These days it’s a given that authors will be expected to take part in the marketing of their books. But, navigating the world of book marketing is no easy task for an author, and there are no hard and fast rules for them to follow.

Which is why it was such a pleasure to hear how one particular publisher’s marketing team has taken the lead in helping authors help them. In part three  (the last part) of our behind the scenes look into the world of book marketing, publicity and advertising,  I asked Ashleigh Gardner, Manager of Digital Development at The Dundurn Group, all about Dundurn’s innovative author marketing program, dubbed “The Author Countdown.”

Read On:

Hashtags for Writers

twitter_logo_headerHey, fellow author friends — Today, I’m going to share a few Hashtags (and no – ahem – that’s not something you smoke) that are beneficial – and even IMPERATIVE for authors to follow:

When you get to twitter – you’ll see a search box. There are also “Popular Conversations” you can join in.

And, I’m not talking to teeny-boppers (old or young) who want to weigh in on the latest Michael Jackson rumor mill, or see  what Paris Hilton is up to, or try to become Ashton Kutcher’s 2 millionth follower.

I’m talking to those of you who want to write, who want information on the publishing industry at large, and are REALLY trying to keep your finger on the pulse of our industry – no matter the genre. Usually, the moderator will announce early in the day when the hashtag session will begin. It helps to review the strand early in the morning so you can plan to weigh in.

Today I’ll focus on the following:

#LitChat = Follow book-bloggers, book club members, and book reviewers as they discuss varying topics. Often, by just discussing your point of view, from a writer’s standpoint, you can generate a targeted batch of followers who just might want to read your books.

#FridayReads = Another book club oriented discussion thread.

#FollowtheReader = Publishing and Marketing professionals dishing on the industry, the future of e-books, what sorts of e-devices are important to which sort of reader, etc.

So, log in. Start reviewing what others are talking about, in 140 characters or less — and follow the rules of twitter (seen in earlier post). Chances are, you will learn something.

Authors and Marketing

A really cool post from Kat Meyer on author tools:

If you haven’t “Got Glue” yet, check out why you should.


Will your book stand the test of time?


Following Hashtags:




this weekend on Twitter. Will be reporting on this next week. Have a great weekend, everyone!

Social Networking Free Weekends

I made a promise to my husband a while back.

I promised, avowed, and affirmed that I would not social network on weekends. No facebook. No twitter. Very little e-mail. (Just so I wouldn’t be buried on a Monday morning.)

And guess what?

Everyone is still there when I return on Mondays. Still chattering away about the latest debacle of the government, the implosion of the publishing industry, whether or not one has time to curl up with a cup of coffee to be read to by a hot, British actor. Still twittering and discussing, and message looping. And though I long to know what my college roommate had for dinner last night and how her children received it, just as she longs to know about me and mine, they can wait a few days.


For the sake of my marriage. For the sake of my friendships and family.

Think to yourself. How many times have you not picked up the phone because you didn’t need to ask how someone was doing? You already knew?

I challenge you to stay social network free for 4 weekends in a row. Can you do it? Can you sign off from myspace or facebook on a Friday and stay away all weekend?

Give it a try and let me know how it goes?

Take 10 minutes for a coffee break that’ll blow your mind…

Okay – I found this one through my twitter Friend @KatMeyer

And how glad am I that she shared it? I just took a ten minute coffee break with Dominic… *sigh*

As he reads from Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”

So, find a comfy chair – pour a cup of coffee, and just watch – listen – and see how long it takes until you’re envisioning yourself sitting across from him, hoping for a glance up at you as he reads to you in that rich, melodious, English accent.

What is it about this that appeals to me? Is it the thought of such a handsome man reading literature? Seriously – this is seductive, charming, sensual, and sweet all wrapped in one gorgeous package.

A masterpiece of online advertising.

I’ll be back… coffee mug and comfy chair already picked out.

#RWAChange – What is it? How can you get involved? And, should you?

GreenRibbonThis conversation has been going on for a few weeks, and I’ve had the opportunity to take part – both in my new online RWA Group: ESPAN – and online at the RWAChange Yahoo loop – both which I discovered while participating in the Twitter Hashtag: #RWAChange

So, what is it – and let’s talk about it.

People on Twitter are only too happy to mention when a technology, application, device, or group fails in one way or another. Just create your own hashtag and share it with your followers. See #Amazonfail, #Agentfail, and #queryfail to name a few. (My own personal favorite was born when @SmartBitches mentioned that she looked up something on YouTube, didn’t find it, and stated that there were not enough hashtags for that fail! Hilarious. At any rate, I digress.)

#RWAChange was born when we decided to stop with #RWAFail already. We don’t want RWA to fail. Romance Writers of America serves a key purpose for romance writers of every genre, every heat, whether published or not. Ebook, or print. Mass distribution, or POD. We are romance authors and we need to be informed, in the loop, and talking to each other in order to continue to succeed in growing our careers. Thus – the Change.

Led by the charge of Dierdre Knight, author and agent — we primarily feel left out. Left out of decision making, due to the greening of our industry. The transition to small presses. The inability to enter in the prestigious RWA Rita contest as a published author. And, therein lies the rub.

As the romance writers either dive in (or dip their toes into) the new world of publishing, we just want our founding members to be able to support us. Rate our work. Know that just because a book is POD doesn’t mean you won’t sell enough to qualify as a PAN member (earning over a price point).

My publisher took a gamble on my success. They gave me a fantastic editor who worked with me, and has dragged me into good writing habits. I still shudder from some of the egregious errors I made on All or Nothing, but she did her magic and made it a fun read. I’m getting good reviews. I’d LOVE to enter it into the RITA contest. I cannot. I may enter it into the EPPIE contest. Or may not. But, I’m missing the peer review that I desperately need to keep my head in the game. Build upon my platform, and ultimately succeed in the Romance Marketplace.

Are you a reader of romance? A writer of romance? If not, chances are that you know someone who is — so, wear your green.

Follow #RWAChange on Twitter


Read up on the back & forth with the RWA President and industry professionals at ESPAN:

Plus, you can read a whole breakdown of the happenings at GalleyCat.

Join this century, and move with the times. I can’t wait to see what’s next for this exciting group of techno-savvy women, and I’m thrilled to be one of them.

Tweets from an Expert Agent @colleenlindsay

Need more reasons to follow Agents/Editors/Publishers who are actively teaching writers about our industry?

Here are some tweets quoting Don Maas, via Lit Agent Colleen Lindsay, that should make authors get goosebumps!

@ColleenLindsay says:

: Don Maass using Silence of the Lambs of example of great fiction, setting, characters.

: “in so many manuscripts, the antagonist or villain is least compelling charater in the story.” don maass

: “hannibal lecter fascinates us because is is real and compelling” don maass

: “who is the character that most impedes your characterls forward motion in story? How does he feel about the protag?” don maass

: “how does your antagonist feel about protag? What does he think is admirable about protag? What can he learn from protag?” do maass

: “is your antagonist as three-dimensional as your protagonist?” don maass

: “what would antagonist say is protag’s biggest weakness, blind spot, vulnerability? What best represents this weakness?” don maass

: “what is the one thing your antagonist thinks your protagonist needs to learn about life?” don maass

: “how can your protag catch your antag off guard?” don maass

: “what does your antagonist deeply believe in? What drives forward? Why might hiw worldview be correct?” don maass

: “how does your antag find support for what he believes in?” don maass

: “is your antag evil for the sake of being evil? Is so, he is an ineffective villain.” don maass

Okay… that in and of itself makes me look at my current villan and think, hmm. How can they be more round? They need their motivation, just as Cheryl St. John shared with me her charts – I’ll share them with you all shortly…