Archive | January 2010

*squee!* FREE Kindle Download – TWO RIVE

*squee!* FREE Kindle Download – TWO RIVERS by T. Greenwood – in celebration of her new release: THE HUNGRY SEASON –

I must have one. That is all. #apple app

I must have one. That is all. #apple appletablet

Hashtags for Writers

twitter_logo_headerHey, fellow author friends — Today, I’m going to share a few Hashtags (and no – ahem – that’s not something you smoke) that are beneficial – and even IMPERATIVE for authors to follow:

When you get to twitter – you’ll see a search box. There are also “Popular Conversations” you can join in.

And, I’m not talking to teeny-boppers (old or young) who want to weigh in on the latest Michael Jackson rumor mill, or seeĀ  what Paris Hilton is up to, or try to become Ashton Kutcher’s 2 millionth follower.

I’m talking to those of you who want to write, who want information on the publishing industry at large, and are REALLY trying to keep your finger on the pulse of our industry – no matter the genre. Usually, the moderator will announce early in the day when the hashtag session will begin. It helps to review the strand early in the morning so you can plan to weigh in.

Today I’ll focus on the following:

#LitChat = Follow book-bloggers, book club members, and book reviewers as they discuss varying topics. Often, by just discussing your point of view, from a writer’s standpoint, you can generate a targeted batch of followers who just might want to read your books.

#FridayReads = Another book club oriented discussion thread.

#FollowtheReader = Publishing and Marketing professionals dishing on the industry, the future of e-books, what sorts of e-devices are important to which sort of reader, etc.

So, log in. Start reviewing what others are talking about, in 140 characters or less — and follow the rules of twitter (seen in earlier post). Chances are, you will learn something.