Writers Using Twitter

Reading along with my friend Jeannie Ruesch today, at www.happyendings.com – where she blogs about writers using Twitter to their advantage…

Do you tweet?

If you don’t, have you considered it? Or considered it a waste of time?

Twitter is the “word” in social networking these days, and for writers or authors, there are some amazing goldmines to be found here.  When I asked twitterer extraordinaire Ashley Ludwig (@wiremamma), author of ALL OR NOTHING, she said,  “I’m finding that twitter is great for learning about my industry, talking with publishers, and helping weigh in with the wide world of e-publishing.”

How does a writer do that exactly, you ask?  Follow or get involved in conversations.  Find literary agents, publishers and the like to follow and pay attention to their twitters. (If you aren’t certain where to start, go to my profile at @jeannieruesch and click on my “following” link.  You’ll see a number of agents, pubs, etc in there.)


About Ashley Ludwig

Ashley Ludwig is an Editor for Patch News, Orange County and Los Angeles. She is also an inspirational romantic suspense author.

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